What is Heat Mapping and How Your Website Can Benefit From It

person using a mac

It’s no secret that adding Google Analytics to your website is one of the most important tools to use when it comes to understanding how users are interacting with your website. While it offers great insights to where your traffic is coming from, where users are going, and how quickly they leave your website you […]

What is The Google Blacklist?

Google is the top of its class when it comes to search engines. This is due to higher standards, consistently updating algorithms, and strict security. Googlebots crawl websites daily to index them into their sprawling database in order to match users up with the right match to their search inquiries. There is another thing that […]

Why Hiring A Blog Writer Is Important

Two blog writers planning content

To build a successful website you need to always be publishing new content. Stagnant websites look bad in both the eyes of users and search engines. If a website hasn’t added any new information or content it appears to be outdated. This can result in losing both search ranking results and traffic.  Blog writing is […]

How Images Can Improve Your Site’s SEO

It’s no secret that a website needs to have images. If your website isn’t using images at all please take look at your life and make some changes. Images add to overall user experience, bring life to products on an e-commerce store, and also help a site increase in ranking. That’s right, images can help […]

How to Keep SEO During a Website Migration

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Imagine this: after five years of building up brand awareness, keywords, and climbing up from the pits of Google to get to the top three ranking positions, you realize you need to migrate your website. Are those five years of hard work about to be forgotten by search engines forever?   It is true that site […]