iNNOV8 Place Blog

Why using quality images is essential to building a strong business website

In general, when I’ve been building websites, one of the more common difficulties I’ve come across is obtaining content from clients to complete their websites.  Of the content that I do receive, the hardest items to get a hold...
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Why Keyword Research is Important for Your Website

Are you using keywords effectively? Just think: unless someone clicks a direct link to your website, they likely needed to search a word or a phrase to find it. There is also a good chance that it took them...
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Backlinking Basics: What is a Backlink?

When you’re perusing the internet and reading an article, sometimes there will be a hyperlink embedded in the text. If you aren’t familiar with tech, you may have thought these links were simply there to cite their source. However,...

What is User Flow

This is the first installment in the ongoing blog series about user flow. TL;DR User flow is a visual path that shows how someone navigates through an application to complete tasks. Visual paths are created using different types of...
Laptop screen showing web analytics

What are the ways I can improve my business’ digital presence?

If your business’ digital presence is feeling a bit lackluster, don’t worry, you’re not alone. It’s like showing up to a party in your grandma’s old hand-me-downs – you just won’t make the best impression. But fear not, my...

What Types of Data Collection Can You Do On Your Website?

If you want to learn more about your customers and your website’s performance, it’s time to start thinking about data collection. Data collection may sound intimidating at first, but it’s...
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10 Ways Your Website is Driving Away Customers

You’ve spent countless hours building and designing your website and finally go live, ready for the customers to come rolling in. You wait days, weeks, and maybe a month- but...

Innov8 welcomes Josh and Kathleen to the team!

 As a digital marketing agency we work closely with our clients and love to celebrate when they grow! So when our team expands we only have to celebrate just as...
Laptop screen showing web analytics

What are the ways I can improve my business’ digital presence?

If your business' digital presence is feeling a bit lackluster, don't worry, you're not alone. It's like showing up to a party in your grandma's old hand-me-downs – you just...
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Search Volumes: High or Low?

When planning out an SEO strategy regardless of how long it will run, selecting the right keywords is always important. It goes much further than selecting keywords that you like...

Low Quality Content: What is it & How to Avoid it

There are three key elements a successful website needs. Great visuals, user-friendly design, and high-quality content. Without each of these, a website will be lacking to users and they are...
Three Core Types of Social Media Posts
SEO/AnalyticsSocial Media

Three Core Types of Social Media Posts

By 2021 savvy business owners know that social media is a very important part of their marketing efforts. While there are many ways one can strategize their social media presence...

How to Tell if Your Website is Blacklisted by Google

Previously we covered what the Google blacklist is. However, it is equally important to know the signs that your site might have been added to it. The sooner you catch...
Google Summer update

Google’s Big Summer Core Update

When Did the Update Happen? These last two months have been very turmoil for SEOs and webmasters. There have been two back-to-back core updates with google this summer. The last...