How to Make Content That you and your Audience will Love in 2019

making content for people to love

Anyone who has even glanced at any article about content is fully aware that “content is king”. So, there is no need for me to remind you that “content is king”. Got it? Good, we can continue! Every content creator, including myself, has one big fear- no one loves what we write. If we wanted […]

Why isn’t Anyone Coming to Your Website

lonely robot

There is a certain feeling of disappointment that only comes from two things: that one childhood birthday party that no one came to and dealing with a website that is currently getting almost nothing in traffic. Maybe in third grade, you were rude or didn’t put effort into playing with anyone at recess? But your […]

What is a Bounce Rate?

bounce rate analytics

So you’re clicking around google analytics because it’s a lot of fun to snoop into the gritty details of who visits your site. That’s when a number catches your eye. It doesn’t look at fun as say, age or interests of users. What is this? It’s the Bounce Rate. Is this number good or bad? […]

What Questions To Ask A Web Developer Before Hiring Them?

questions to ask a web developer before hiring

In order for any company to succeed today, it needs a website. Are there DIY options out there? Yes, there are. However, those sites tend to not so easily customizable and aren’t able to scale alongside a growing business. So when scaling starts to happen they find themselves needing a web developer. But, how do […]

How To Make Google Love Your Website

love you

As I write this there are only thirteen days left until, what most consider to be the most stressful holiday, Valentine’s Day. While everyone else is scrambling to buy those chalky chocolate Russian roulettes maybe this should be the year that you concern yourself with a different type of love affair? I’m not talking about […]