Anyone who has even glanced at any article about content is fully aware that “content is king”. So, there is no need for me to remind you that “content is king”. Got it? Good, we can continue! Every content creator, including myself, has one big fear- no one loves what we write. If we wanted to scream into the void we’d post on Twitter. We are trying to captivate an audience! That’s why I’ve rounded up some tips to help you make content that you and your audience (human or robot) will love.
Planning Makes Perfect… Content
As a recovering due tonight means do tonight student, I can say from experience that planning content is a MUST to see any long term gain. Don’t write when you suddenly remember that your last blog was a holiday post from 2017. Figure out a schedule and stick to it. Not only will posting regularly keep audiences happy but Google will love the consistent new content. Posting regularly also can increase the total amount of keywords a site organically ranks for. Make a calendar and post it everywhere if you need to.
Planning content also allows for a chance to set goals. What is it that you want to achieve? Do you just need to build an audience? Goal setting will help keep the motivation to keep creating and also act as a guide when it comes to selecting topics.
Most importantly, study your target audience. Find what they want to read, what kind of content they want to see, or what type of device they are using. Knowing your audience gives you the chance to tailor your content to them.
Pay Attention to Trends
Every day there is something new and shiny on the internet. It can be really easy to ignore these new things and write them off as fads. But, it is important to pay attention to fads that become long term trends. If you want to be a presence on the internet you need to be willing to adapt to its ever-changing culture.
One thing that won’t be going away anytime soon is video. Video content is in high demand and is starting to become a preference from all types of audiences. It’s a great chance to build trust with viewers, helps conversion, and spread brand awareness. You know, because they are so easy to share.
Live streaming has gained fast popularity since 2017 and is now something that almost all social media platforms offer. There is a reason for that, live video not only creates a more personal authority to your users it also is a great chance for the next trend: interactivity.
Interactive content is something as simple as a poll, quiz, even an interactive map will do! Interactive content not only helps with overall engagement but also allows you to capture more info about your audience. That you can later turn around and make it into MORE content that they will love. It also gives the perk of building up brand loyalty.
But What About Written Content?
Want to stay old school? Do you really just love the sound of typing? Yeah, me too. Here are tips to keep your written content fresh for 2019.
Remember when I said the internet is always changing? This affects regular blogs as well. Recently, there has been an increase in voice queries. Therefore keywords and overall language will need to become more conversational. Because let’s face it, you are not talking to Alexa as if she is your Philosophy professor. I feel like I shouldn’t have to say this, but dull keyword heavy writing just doesn’t work. Google caught onto that trick a long time ago and audiences will just ignore it.
However, there is long-form content. This type is seen more as authoritative by Google and tends to rank better. Examples of long-form content can be case studies, guides, and or white papers. This is a perfect way to build up a subscriber base. Now, this isn’t a battle between long-form content and standard blog posts. You can have both. In fact, there should be a healthy balance of both.
While all of these are great on their own, it’s impossible to really succeed with only one. Each one can easily build off the other. You could make an educational video series that you turn into a written guide. There are endless possibilities as long as you are creative, pay attention to trends, and listen to the needs of your audience.
Need Help Writing Content?
innov8 can help! We can help with keyword research, blog writing, and SEO optimization. Contact us today for a free consultation.
If you already know what you need and are ready to go, schedule a meeting with us!