iNNOV8 Place Blog

hostage website

How To Tell If Your Website Is Being Held Hostage

So you’ve just launched your website and have your first blog post prepared and ready to go! But, then you realize that you have no idea how to even add...
what is php 7.2

What is PHP 7.2 and why do you need it?

As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. The widely used PHP 5.6 and 7.0 are no longer the standard when it comes to coding a...
Innov8 team 2018

Our 2018 Year In Review

This year was a BIG one for us here at Innov8!  We have accomplished and grown in so many ways. Now, that this year is about to come to a...
4 SEO myths

SEO Myths That You Need To Stop Believing

Whenever something isn’t common knowledge myths seem to grow around it as a way to explain how it works. People believe those myths until they learn more about whatever it...
Helpful feedback for web designer

How to Provide Helpful Feedback to Your Web Designer

It’s happening! You’ve started the process of building either your first website or revamping your current one. You did all the research and you found a web designer that suits...
understand your website

How Your Website Works

There can be a lot of tiny working parts that make up how the internet and your website work with each other. Spending the time to understand it all seems...
a difference between web designer and web developer

The Difference Between Web Designers and Web Developers

So you’ve been thinking about building a website. Of course, you’ve been searching around for the best of the best to make that happen. You keep running into the terms...
What people want to see on your website

What People Want to See on Your Website

With so many websites already fighting for attention how can you be sure that your company is going to get the traffic it deserves? There are a handful of things...
Like birds, websites also need migration to survive

Website Migration Is Just Like Changing A Phone Plan

Website migration sounds incredibly complicated. It resonates as something time consuming and difficult to understand or do. There is something about the word “Migration” that makes someone want to take...