Our 2018 Year In Review

Innov8 team 2018

This year was a BIG one for us here at Innov8!  We have accomplished and grown in so many ways. Now, that this year is about to come to a close, we wanted to take a moment, catch our breath, and celebrate these accomplishments. And take the time to say thank you to everyone that supported and worked with us along the way! We really couldn’t have done it without you!

What We Accomplished

In just 12 months we were able to launch a total of 22 websites! These are either brand new sites or ones we did beautiful redesigns for. On top of that, we had 13 special rescue projects, built 7 brilliant databases, and launched 4 E-commerce sites. Whew! Typing that already made me tired!

Those hours of coding, designing, and coffee chugging really paid off though. There were times that our whiteboards would be so full of tasks that our close knit-office smelled just a little bit like dry erase marker. But, every time we were able to erase something off that board, we felt even more determined to keep going! So, be prepared to see a lot of portfolio pieces from us within the next year!

Something else that we did this year was to grow our team! We’ve welcomed two new people into the innov8 family.

We never really realized how much we were doing until those two were able to wear those hats for us! Our heads feel so much lighter now.

What We Learned

Other than learning that we were capable of handling a heavy workload, we managed to get a little more knowledge from 2018. The act Delegation was the hardest skill to learn this year and it’s something that many of us are still working on. We learned to surround ourselves with people who support our goals and celebrate our accomplishments. Also, this year was the year we discovered the healing magic of the crab queso rangoonies.

We hope to take what we got out this year and use it to propel us further in 2019.

What You Can Expect From Us Next

One of the biggest things to expect from Innov8 is a brand new service! We’ve already had a soft rollout of our SEO services but in 2019 expect for it to be something we hope to be known for. Already we have a few sites preparing for launch at the start of the month, we really don’t know how to take some time off. We have a couple of other exciting changes lined up for 2019 but you’re going to have to stick around to see those. We can’t be giving away all of our secrets so soon.

Once again, we really couldn’t have done this year without the support from our friends, family, and clients. We wish you all the very best in the new year and don’t forget to drink some extra champagne for us.


(photo by Wayne McWilliams with Pressable)