Due to the current circumstances of the world right now you might suddenly find out that you have a lot more free time on your hands than ever before. It’s likely that if you are a business owner you’ve suddenly had to transition to online presence more than ever before. This could have led you to hurriedly creating your first website or keeping better tabs on your existing website.
With this newfound time on your hands and limited resources for new memes, you’ve spent a lot of time checking out your own website. Having looked at every inch of your website there are probably a few things you’ve noticed.
1. Your website loads slowly
At first, you thought it was your internet and then you thought it might be your computer or phone. So you ask your employees, your spouse, anyone to go to your website and see if it loads slowly. Unfortunately, they all tell you that no it isn’t your device or provider, your load times are the actual issue.
Long load times can cause negative user experience which in turn will affect how well your site is ranking with search engines. The longer you leave your site at a crawling pace the deeper down the search results list you are going to get. Don’t let this happen!
There are a lot of little things that can cause load times to be high which makes finding the source of the problem a headache. We offer site audits and maintenance plans to help get your website back on track.
2. Your Website Doesn’t Work on Mobile
Maybe this is something you’ve known about your website for a while and just let it go to the back burner because, how important could that be? Well considering that in 2019 mobile users made up 53.3% of worldwide internet traffic, it’s a must that your website can be used on any device.
Surprise! You might want to reconsider which burner you put optimized web design on. In order to continue to grow your website and business, you’ll need to be able to reach all types of users. Thinking about a redesign, especially now, can be a little worrisome. But in order to keep your website professional and profitable, it’s worth the investment.
If you’ve made your way to this post with this issue, it must be fate! We’re experts at designing websites that are mobile-friendly and will be happy to talk to you
3. The Last Blog You Published Was Over a Year Ago
Remember how you suddenly have so much extra time on your hands? It would be great if there was something that you could do with that time? Something that could easily benefit your website without spending any money yet. Something that you probably haven’t done, if ever, consistently for your website in a long time. Yes, I’m talking about posting a blog.
New content is what search engines, especially Google, are always looking for when it crawls websites. When Google sees that a website is updating content it’s telling them that this website is an authoritative source for information and it’s an active website that users have a reason to go to.
Writing blogs on a consistent basis helps keep Google’s eyes on your website and also help you rank organically for keywords that won’t necessarily make sense in your website’s copy. If you are still struggling with writer’s block or need some help editing and understanding how to write for SEO, we can help!
Now Is The Perfect Time To Spruce Up Your Website
In this odd extended offseason for a lot of businesses now is a good time to reexamine what your website is doing for you and your users. Maybe you need to offer more services than before now that a digital presence is a must while everyone continues to stay home? Noticing these small errors on your site now allows you to fix them before they get worse and also as a way to tell your customers that you plan on sticking around for a long while.