What Types of Data Collection Can You Do On Your Website?

If you want to learn more about your customers and your website’s performance, it’s time to start thinking about data collection. Data collection may sound intimidating at first, but it’s an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to understanding customer behavior. Without it, you could be missing important details that can make a big impact on your brand. Here are a few ways you can collect data using your website.

Heat Mapping

Heat mapping is a visual representation of how your customers navigate your website. You will see insights into what buttons they’re clicking and which parts of the page they’re drawn to. It provides details like how far down on a page users are scrolling, where they are clicking, and mouse movements. This is great for determining how easy your website is for new visitors to navigate or where returning users are getting frustrated.  This data can help you figure out what changes you can make to be even more user-friendly in your design.

E-Commerce Data

An e-commerce site acts as a digital storefront for your brand, allowing customers to browse items and complete their shopping online. When users fill their carts and press “checkout”, you can collect some important info! By tracking data points like how many people are completing transactions and what discount codes are being applied most frequently, you can get a better view of what’s really attracting customers and how they’re interacting with your site.

Subscriptions and Memberships

A surprising type of data collection you can get from your website is subscriptions. If you have a newsletter to send, coupon codes to share, or even a paid membership program for your customers this is all valuable data to use! Your subscriber and membership lists can provide important information. Such as, who your website is reaching and what they want to see more of. Depending on what your sign-up process requires, you can gather everything from names and email addresses to zip codes and even shopping preferences from these simple forms. And that data can go a long way in helping you make smart decisions for your business.


Google Analytics can provide tons of information about your website visitors, including demographic data. Ever wondered if more men or women visit your website? This is the place to find out! With demographic data, you can better target ads and make sure your site is reaching the right customer base.

We’re here to help you gather that data!

Data collection on your website doesn’t have to be overwhelming. We’re here to help you every step of the way with our web services, SEO services, and more. Click here to schedule a consultation and let’s see how we can work together!