What is Color Theory?


Believe it or not, the study of color theory and how it affects humans has only been a studied topic since about the 18th century. Color is an important part of everyday life, from it’s importance to health and healing, to design and artistic uses. It tells us to stop, to go, to wait, to […]

What is Responsive Web Design and Why Does Your Site Need it?

people reacting to reponsive web design

It could happen to anyone. In fact, it happened to me this morning. I saw a link on Facebook and went, oh I should check out this website. Then BAM! I found myself staring at a website that was unforgivingly non-mobile friendly. It was still early in the morning so I wasn’t thinking straight and […]

How to Design a Website That Makes Users Feel Valued

Users feels valued

We’ve all been to that one store where it feels as if you’re walking through a ghost town or it’s more of a post-apocalyptic feel. No one appears to work there, things are missing off the shelves, and why are all of these lights flickering? If you manage to find another living soul who happens […]

Understanding The Cost Of A Website

cost of a website

Maybe you’ve been shopping around and looking at every option to get your website built. You’ve read through the DIY Web builder sites and checked out a few local developer’s. Or you just came back from a consultation with a development team and might be recovering from sticker shock after they told you the cost […]

What Questions To Ask A Web Developer Before Hiring Them?

questions to ask a web developer before hiring

In order for any company to succeed today, it needs a website. Are there DIY options out there? Yes, there are. However, those sites tend to not so easily customizable and aren’t able to scale alongside a growing business. So when scaling starts to happen they find themselves needing a web developer. But, how do […]